These videos are now part of the Disney on ride packages.

You get all my videos for 30 which includes shipping.


Universal/IOA On Ride Video List


Disk 1

Back to the Future -  Universal.wmv
Flying Unicorn IOA.wmv
Hulk External Shot IOA.wmv
Hulk IOA.wmv
Jurassic Park River Adventure External Shot IOA.wmv
Jurassic Park River Adventure IOA.wmv
Mardi Gras Parade Universal Studios 04-26-2003.wmv
The Mummy 05-23-2004.wmv
Universal IOA Montage 2004.wmv
Universal Mardi Gras 03-13-2004.wmv
Universal The Mummy outside shots.wmv


Disk 2

Dudley Do Right External Shot IOA.wmv
Dudley Do Right.wmv


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